Spiritual Direction Support
As spiritual directors, our own spiritual care and support is vital to our ongoing practice. I love to support directors through development of skills and supervision so that they can continue to be a listening and caring presence in the lives of those they meet with.
Current Opportunities
Group Spiritual Direction Training: Beyond the Basics

This course is for the spiritual director who has already learned the basics of group spiritual direction and is seeking to develop more advanced skills in group work.
This course will offer a mixture of multi-disciplinary content, instruction, praxis, and prayer to support the growth and development of the spiritual director.
Participants will practice improvising across group direction formats and situations, deepening their understanding of how differences amongst group members can impact the dynamic, while gaining the tools needed to create accessible groups across a variety of environments.
Endings, Beginnings, and Liminal Spaces: Navigating Times of Transition

Transitions are a part of daily life, but often they create a sense of disorientation. Learn how to navigate beginnings, endings, and the liminal spaces that lie in between.
We’ll explore rituals to help us grieve, celebrate, and release so that we can move forward with freedom and clarity, as well as exercises to integrate gifts from past seasons into our present lives.
Group Spiritual Direction Basics

Each person embodies their own unique story, shaped by a variety of factors. What happens when a group of people, each with their own unique story, enters into a shared space? It may be the making of a disaster, but it also holds the possibility of catalytic experiences of connection, discernment, love, and the creation of a new story together. This is the beauty of group spiritual direction.
Through the lens of loving God and loving others, participants will be invited to welcome and navigate unique stories within their groups and nurture a curiosity amongst group members that cultivates deepening relationships. Engaging with a mixture of multi-disciplinary content, instruction, praxis, and prayer, spiritual directors will learn how to translate their training into group contexts. Participants will also learn about the life stages of a group and how to navigate various dynamics in a group setting.
For the director seeking one-on-one support, I also meet with directors individually for supervision. I take an evocative and contemplative approach to supervision, balancing the need for skill development alongside a continued movement toward interior freedom. Email Jen to set up an appointment.
Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Airman’s Odyssey