Tag: Retreat
A Retreat for the New Year
Happy New Year! At this time of year, many of us have a desire to reflect on our lives and make new intentions. I created a personal retreat for this very purpose and it is currently posted on my good friend Amy Simpson’s blog. (Note: Amy is a fantastic writer and life coach. If you’re…
Journey into 2015
Last weekend I led a group of small group leaders through a time of reflecting on 2014 and looking ahead to 2015. I’m posting it here as a resource for you as you begin this new year. The exercise takes about an hour and a half. You will need a journal, a separate piece of…
thresh·old – October 31, 2013
thresh·old noun \ˈthresh-ˌhōld, ˈthre-ˌshōld\ 1: the plank, stone, or piece of timber that lies under a door : sill 2a : gate, door; b (1) : end, boundary; specifically : the end of a runway (2) : the place or point of entering or beginning : outset 3a : the point at which a physiological or…
Hammocked – October 29, 2013
I’m emerging from a busy season at work. Probably the busiest season I’ve ever experienced there. And there was a moment when I realized that it was all too much. I kept saying “I’m working myself to death,” which is absolutely an overstatement. Yet, I also knew that I had hit the bottom of my…