Tag: Risk
Go? – November 7, 2013
Some days I really hate being friends with spiritual directors. I mean, I appreciate the deeper conversations about life and relationships and God. But then there are the times when these spiritual director friends ask those good questions. You know, the questions that stop you in your tracks. The questions you don’t quite have an…
Comedic Creativity – August 21, 2013
Do you ever have a moment when you realize something about yourself? I’ve been having those moments a lot this summer. Mostly recently I have come to the realization that I really enjoy comedians. Specifically, I enjoy hearing about their process of creativity and have been reading various books by comedians. Miranda Hart. David Sedaris…
Risk in Writing – July 22, 2013
Lately, I’ve felt as though my writing ideas have begun to dry up. Not only do I feel as though I’m scrambling for topics, I also have experienced a diminished desire to even write. It has been good for me to continue on in the midst of waning interest, to learn the discipline of writing,…
Every Pot has its Lid – July 12, 2013
I have the joy of living with two single women. Some of my favorite moments with them are when we commiserate about singleness and the woes of dating. The other night one of my roomies shared a profile she’d come across on a dating site. As she read this man’s profile it quickly became clear…
Resignation or Risk? – July 8, 2013
Last Thursday I had my monthly meeting with my spiritual director. I shared with her about the surprising experience of my birthday and how refreshing it was in light of this challenging year. As we continued to explore this past year the word that came to mind for me was “resignation.” So much of this…