Tag: Women

  • Expand: Weaving Ill-Matched Threads

    I may have freaked out today’s writer when I first met her.  Chelsea came into the Starbucks I worked at during college.  I recognized her from church and excitedly started up a conversation with her.  It went something like this… “Hey, I’ve seen you at the Vineyard…what’s your name?  Cool, you want to visit Africa?…

  • Expand

    I am grateful to be a woman. Most days. This gratitude has been a journey for me.  For years I had this fear that being “feminine” meant I had to turn off my brain.  I worried that it meant I always had to wear pink.  I squirmed with thinking I had to just nod and…

  • Growing up Female

    Growing up Female

    When I was little I had a book that would document my growing up.  Kind of like a baby book, but for when your child gets older.  It was divided by school grade and each year would ask questions like: Height? Activities?  Favorite foods?  But my favorite question was: What do you want to be…

  • To the Women I know – May 12, 2013

    To the Women I know – May 12, 2013

    I posted this on Facebook today: My heart is with the women for whom today is painful and isolating. Be gentle with those in your life who may feel missed on Mother’s Day. Earlier this week I read a couple of blog posts about Mother’s Day.  Both women expressed how disappointing the day can be…