Clare and I on Fathom Magazine

In the past month I’ve had a realization that while I am called to pastor, I am also called to write. My book is at a pause for now, so I’ve been leaning into writing shorter pieces for publication and specifically articles that are not about the Camino. I sent a few out and as I waited, the fear crept in: maybe the only reason I’ve been published lately is the novelty of my walking the Camino. Later that same day, I received an email letting me know an article I submitted was accepted. Don’t you love when you receive confirmations that destroy the lie that says, “I can’t do this”?

This latest piece just went live on Fathom Magazine and is about a moment when a spiritual experience challenged my theology, but eventually led to my being encouraged in my identity. And it all took place in Assisi, Italy. Ciao!

Clare and I.


  1. Marilda Monserrate Avatar
    Marilda Monserrate

    Happy for you Jen, you found your purpose, you are answering to the call. Many blessings for you in your journey!❤️

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