So often I have found comfort in reflecting on Jesus’ journey to the cross. He who has been abandoned, rejected, and abused understands our suffering, because he himself has suffered. He is not removed from the human experience, but instead embraced his humanity fully. I’ve become increasingly grateful for the season of Lent as it presents an invitation to pause and consider the cost that came with Jesus saying yes to the cross.

The other day though, I was struck by a new reflection. Jesus not only understands our suffering. He also understands our experiences of joy. While there is nothing ground breaking in this thought, it was a surprising reminder for me. In all my focusing on Jesus’ passion and death on the cross, I have forgotten that Jesus experienced great joy in his life. What delight he must have felt in seeing Mary, his disciples, friends, and family after his resurrection. Can you imagine those moments of reunion? Perhaps take a moment right where you are to imagine what it must have been like when he was reunited with these dear people.
No matter what your life is holding today, be reminded that Jesus is fully able to and wants to meet you in your current realities, both sorrowful and joyful.
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