I am having a great time in Brazil! We are in a historic village today called Ouro Preto (Black Gold). It is gorgeous, but it has a very sad history built on the backs of slaves. The last few days we have been outside a city called Sete Lagos (7 lakes). We are working with a brand new Vineyard. It is a very tiny group, but we have bonded with them and have so much love in our hearts for them.
Towards the beginning of the trip I caught a cold. I have had to rely on my teammates to hold me up. I usually have a hard time receiving from people – I give, give give. But before the trip I sensed that God was going to help me with all of that. And He did. Being sick and away from home I had no choice but to ask for help. And the more I did, the more I realized that I wasn´t being a burden on them. They were happy to help me. And not just my team, but also our Brazilian friends.
Our plans have changed constantly and we are learning to adapt to being open to change.
So much to say and so little time. Thank you for all your prayers! I hope to be able to write more details soon. We are leaving for Piritininga on Friday night and should have more regular Email access there.
Blessings and Love!
Jesus Ama Voce! (Jesus loves you!)
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